SUMMARY OF NEW CONCLUSION OF PHD THESIS Title: Building media group in Vietnam Speciality: Journalism Classification: 60 32 01 01 Name of PhD Student: Le Hai Advisors: Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Van Dung Dr.Doan Phuc Thanh Institutional: The Academy of Journalism and Communication New conclusions 1. Thesis to clarify the theoretical framework of media groups and justifying the need for established media group in the country, with a role as a strategic solution to help solve many of the problems emerging drugtoday's press agency, the Vietnam's media experience. 2. Thesis generalized model some typical media conglomerate in the world in relation matching to identify the similarities and differences with Vietnam: Multisectoral, multidisciplinary, large-scale, mixed link media groups; Monophyletic journalism media group, vertical Integration is mainstream position; Media groups have field level activities associated with specific characteristics of China. Three models are the result of the synthesis and analysis from many different organizational forms of media group in the world. The advantages and disadvantages of each model as a basis to predict the advantages and disadvantages when applied to Vietnam. 3. Evaluation of potential thesis leading media agencies in Vietnam are selected survey, new perspective - media group perspective - which identified the level of development of the media and the Vietnamese media of today compared to the world. Analysis poses problems to be solved, remove media groups can form and operation, in the current conditions of Vietnam. 4. Based on the experience of the world's media group model, specific conditions and characteristics of Vietnam, the thesis draw on the criteria for media group in Vietnam as a scientific basis for the draftinitial two theoretical models of media group in accordance with our country, include: Monophyletic journalism media group, mixed Integration vertical, horizontal; The multi-disciplinary media group, national key. Make recommendations in order to solve scientific problems related to the view, the policy of the Party, the legal basis, the economic conditions and the actual potential of the media, emphasized the needpilot established media group in the country, with appropriate modern organizational model and financing mechanisms for state-owned enterprises. 5. The new findings of this thesis is the theoretical basis for the realization of media group in practice. Media agencies are in the process of developing group can refer to the model given in the thesis to apply to your specific conditions in the development process. With leading agencies, media management, this study is a scientific basis can help in planning mechanisms and policies for the media sector in general, media group particular,is still many shortcomings missing. Advisors PhD Student