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  • Điểm chuẩn ngành Báo chí cao chót vót, thí sinh ngậm ngùi tiếc nuối                  Học viện Báo chí và Tuyên truyền khai giảng năm học 2022-2023                  Thông báo thu học Học kỳ I năm học 2020 - 2021 các lớp đại học chính quy K38                  Thông báo thu học Học kỳ I năm học 2020 - 2021 các lớp đại học chính quy K39                  Thông báo kết luận cuộc họp Ban Giám đốc ngày 16/8/2019 về việc bồi dưỡng chuẩn hóa giảng viên tiếng Anh                  Thông báo về việc bổ sung người phụ thuộc, cấp mới mã số thuế cho người nộp thuế                  Thông báo Kết luận cuộc họp Ban Tổ chức phong trào "Thi đua dạy tốt, phục vụ tốt" năm học 2018 - 2019                  Thông báo kết luận của Giám đốc tại các buổi làm việc với các khoa, ban, phòng, đơn vị trực thuộc Học viện                  Thông báo về việc ủng hộ đồng bào các tỉnh miền núi phía Bắc bị thiệt hại do mưa lũ và sạt lở đất                  Thông báo về thời gian làm việc và trực cấp cứu của Phòng Y tế thuộc Văn phòng Học viện                  Thông báo kết luận của Giám đốc tại buổi làm việc với các khoa, đơn vị                  Thông báo về việc thay đổi kế hoạch tổ chức Giao ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 6 năm 2018                  Thông báo về việc đổi ngày họp Giao ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 5 năm 2018                  Thông báo kết quả Hội thi Giảng viên giỏi lần III năm 2018                  Thông báo về việc đăng lý đi học Cao cấp lý luận chính trị năm 2018                  Quyết định về việc thành lập Hội đồng giám khảo và Tổ thư ký hội thi giảng viên giỏi lần III năm 2018                  Kế hoạch triển khai phong trào thi đua "Dân chủ - Sáng tạo - Đồng bộ - Chất lượng"                  Kế hoạch thi giảng viên giỏi lần III năm 2018 cấp cơ sở                  Thông báo về việc đổi ngày họp Giao ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 4 năm 2018                  Thông báo về việc đảm bảo an ninh trật tự và PCCN trong dịp nghỉ Lễ 30/4 và 1/5                  Thông báo về việc thay đổi mật khẩu đăng nhập hệ thống wifi Học viện                  Thông báo về việc đăng ký tham gia khóa bồi dưỡng trung hạn tại Cộng hòa Pháp                  Thông báo về việc đăng ký học lớp bồi dưỡng nghiệp vụ giảng dạy Lý luận chính trị                  Thông báo về việc đăng ký xét tuyển đào tạo tại Trung Quốc                  Phân công cán bộ trực tết Nguyên đán Mậu Tuất 2018                  Kế hoạch, quy chế và mẫu Hội thi giảng viên giỏi lần 3 năm 2018                  Thông báo về việc đổi lịch họp giao ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 11 năm 2017                  Thông báo về việc đổi lịch họp Giao ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 11 năm 2017                  Hướng dẫn đánh giá phân loại đối với cán bộ, công chức và Thông báo thời gian bình xét thi đua                  Thông báo về việc điều chỉnh lịch họp Giao ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 10 năm 2017                  Thông báo kết luận của Giám đốc tại buổi làm việc với một số đơn vị về việc thống nhất quản lý công nghệ thông tin trong Học viện                  Thông báo về việc ban hành Quy chế Văn thư, lưu trữ của Học viện Báo chí và Tuyên truyền                  Thông báo về việc điều chỉnh lịch họp Giao ban Quý III/2017                  Thông báo về kế hoạch tổ chức Hội nghị giao ban Quý III/2017 trực tuyến                  Quyết định về việc thành lập Tổ kiểm tra việc thực hiện phong trào thi đua "Nề nếp làm việc, văn minh, văn hóa công sở" năm học 2017 - 2018                  Thông báo Hội nghị tập huấn nghiệp vụ công tác Thi đua, Khen thưởng năm 2017 và Hội thảo chuyên đề "Nâng cao chất lượng tổ chức Hội thi Giảng viên giảng dạy giỏi"                  Thông báo Hội nghị tập huấn nghiệp vụ công tác Thi đua, khen thưởng năm 2017 (trực tuyến)                  Thông báo về việc phân công nhiệm vụ các đồng chí trong Ban Giám đốc Học viện                  Thông báo về việc điều chỉnh lịch họp Giao ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 6 năm 2017                  Thông báo về việc đổi ngày họp Giao ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 2 năm 2017                  Phân công cán bộ trực tết Nguyên đán Đinh Dậu 2017                  Thông báo về việc đổi ngày họp Giao ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 01 năm 2017                  Thông báo kết quả họp Hội đồng Thi đua, Khen thưởng                  Thông báo về việc đổi ngày họp Giao ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 12 năm 2016                  Kế hoạch tổ chức Hội nghị sơ kết 2 năm thực hiện thực hành tiết liệm, chống lãng phí và phòng chống tham nhũng                  Thông báo về việc tham dự Hội nghị trực tuyến về Quán triệt Hội nghị Trung Ương 4 - khóa XII                  Thông báo về việc lấy ý kiến vào dự thảo Quy chế công tác thi đua, khen thưởng và Quy chế hoạt động của Hội đồng Thi đua - Khen thưởng                  Thông báo về việc đổi ngày họp Giao ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 11 năm 2016                  Thông báo về việc xây dựng kế hoạch công tác năm 2017                  Thông báo kế hoạch thanh tra năm học 2016 - 2017                  Thông báo nội dung họp Ban chỉ đạo phong trào thi đua "Nề nếp làm việc, văn minh, văn hóa công sở"                  Thông báo về việc nâng bậc lương trước thời hạn đối với công chức, viên chức, người lao động theo thành tích xuất sắc năm 2016                  Thông báo về việc xét tặng danh hiệu Nhà giáo Nhân dân, Nhà giáo Ưu tú lần thứ 14 năm 2017                  Kế hoạch về việc triển khai thực hiện tinh giảm biên chế theo Nghị định số 108/2014/NĐ-CP ngày 20-11-2014 của Chính phủ                  Thông báo về việc đăng ký kế hoạch công tác hàng tháng                  Thông báo về việc đổi ngày họp Gian ban cán bộ quản lý tháng 9 năm 2016                  Kế hoạch phát động và kiểm tra việc thực hiện phong trào thi đua "Nề nếp làm việc, văn minh, văn hóa công sở" năm học 2016 - 2017                  Kế hoạch triển khai thực hiện phong trào thi đua và đăng ký thi đua năm học 2016 - 2017                  Quyết định về việc công nhận các đơn vị và cá nhân đạt danh hiệu thi đua năm học 2015-2016                  Bản tổng hợp kết quả bình xét của Hội đồng thi đua, khen thưởng năm học 2015 - 2016                  Kế hoạch làm việc với Giám đốc Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí Minh                  Kế hoạch tổ chức Hội nghị tổng kết năm học 2015 - 2016 và nghiên cứu thực tế                  Thông báo về việc báo cáo kết quả công tác năm học 2015 - 2016 phương hướng, nhiệm vụ và giải pháp trong năm học 2016 - 2017                  Thông báo kết luận của Giám đốc tại buổi làm việc với khoa Tâm lý Giáo dục và Nghiệp vụ sư phạm và đại diện lãnh đạo, cán bộ một số khoa đào tạo giảng viên lý luận chính trị trong Học viện                  Kế hoạch về việc Tổ chức Hội thi giảng viên giảng dạy giỏi lần thứ II năm học 2016 của Học viện Báo chí và Tuyên truyền                  Thông báo về việc xét tặng Bằng khen của Giám đốc Học viện Chính trị quốc gia Hồ Chí Minh năm 2016                  Kế hoạch xây dựng Quy hoạch cán bộ lãnh đạo, quản lý Học viện Báo chí và Tuyên truyền giai đoạn 2016 - 2020                  Phân công cán bộ trực tết nguyên đán Bính Thân 2016                  Quyết định về việc công nhận kết quả đánh giá xếp loại để chi thu nhập tăng thêm đối với cán bộ, công chức, viên chức và người lao động năm 2015                  Thông báo (bổ sung) về việc thực hiện nghi thức chào cờ và hát Quốc ca vào sáng thứ Hai hàng tuần                 
  • Tóm tắt luận án tiến sĩ của nghiên cứu sinh Đinh Thị Xuân Hoà (bản tiếng Anh)

    14:05 10/12/2012

    Chọn cỡ chữ A a  



    1. Reasons for choosing the topic

    Television program production socialization activity has been developing animatedly in Vietnam. However, there are still many inconsistent opinions around this activity. Somebody said that: television program production socialization is a trend, a necessary work. This is a chance for our television to develop. The others said: we should not socialize television because it is easy to be controlled by egoistic interests and pure commercial purposes. While people are still debating about socialization, television has made many great changes through socializing activity. Television program production socialization is also causing many troubles to television station, partners and related units in many aspects: managing contents, structure of human resources, planning development strategy, especially maintaining propaganda orientation.

    From two aspects, argument and reality, television program production socialization makes requirements which need to be researched, solved in order to improve the quality of Vietnam television, satisfy the demand for information, appreciation of viewers.

    With such reasons, we decided to choose the topic: “Socialization issue of producing television program in vietnam at present” for our PhD thesis.

    2. Researching purposes and tasks

    2.1. Researching purposes

    On the basis of researching, evaluating real situations, successes, restrictions of television program production socialization activity in Vietnam, the thesis forecasts development trend and proposes solutions to deal with such activity reasonably, effectively in the near future.

    2.2. Researching tasks

    In order to achieve above purposes, the thesis must perform following tasks: (1) Clarifying the arguments on television program production socialization. (2) Surveying, totaling up, analyzing real situations of television program production socialization through analyzing the forms of cooperative production and management for programs which are broadcasted in Vietnam in recent time. (3) From basic arguments, consulting the experiences on socialization activity from foreign countries, combining with real situations in Vietnam to forecast, point out the abilities of developing television program production socialization activity in Vietnam in the next time as well as the challenges. (4) Proposing solutions to deal with television program production socialization activity reasonably, effectively and suitably for the conditions in Vietnam.

    3. Researching objects and scope

     - Researching object of the topic: television program production socialization activity and the methods of exploiting, managing such activity.

     - Surveying objects: (1) Television programs which are produced by forms of socialization. (2) Journalists, leaders, managers of television stations in Vietnam, some individuals, organizations outside the station who are participating in television programs production. (3) Viewers – these are the people who receive and are directly affected by the programs produced by forms of socialization. (4) However, in order to clarify the real situations and give out theoretical basis, we will inherit the data researched from many other resources.

     - Surveying, researching scope: The thesis focuses on studying activities and programs which have been produced by forms of socialization in 12 television stations throughout the country, such as: Vietnam Television, Vietnam Television Corporation, Ho Chi Minh Television, Hanoi Television, Quanh Ninh Television, Ha Giang Television, Nghe An Television, Da Nang Television, Khanh Hoa Television, Vinh Long Television, Can Tho Television, Hau Giang Television and some other television stations in Vietnam. Such television stations are selected through the mechanism: central – local, region, organization. These television stations were established early and have been developing strongly in Vietnam.

    4. Theoretical basis and researching method

    4.1. Theoretical basis:

    This topic is researched on the basis of grasping instruments of Vietnamese Communist Party in some sessions of Congress recently, legal policies, documents of the State relating to socialization activities, journalistic activities and journalistic argument system generally, and television journalism particularly.

    4.2. Researching method:

     - Method of surveying real situations: used to determine researching ideas, drafting the picture of real situations, determine the problems given on socialization activities of television branch in Vietnam.

     - Method of researching materials: carried out for theoretical scientific works on television promulgated by domestic and foreign authors. This method is used for the purpose of generalizing, adding the theoretical system on television generally and television program production socialization activity particularly.

     - Method of totaling up – comparing: used for the purpose of determining appearance frequency, development level, quality, effect of programs that are cooperatively produced by television stations and partners and programs that are produced by journalists independently. This method mainly relies on periodic statistical returns, investigations and surveys performed television stations, communication companies and related units.

     - Method of analyzing, synthesizing: used to analyze, evaluate and synthesize researching results in order to point out the successes, restrictions, reasons and challenges in the process of television program production socialization in our country.

     - Method of professional interview: performed with 35 leaders and managers of television stations, exterior organizations and journalists of television stations who are participating in program production socialization activity in order to collect the opinions of individuals about the issue.

     - Method of investigating through questionnaires (anket): is performed in order to get objective opinions on quality, effect and demand of the public for television programs which are produced by forms of socialization. The number of samples is 800 ballots, the ballots are selected randomly in 4 cities: Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh city and Can Tho.

    Besides, we refer some other methods such as SWOT analysis method… to analyze the production cooperation activity of the units as well as use as the basis for putting forth some suitable solutions.

    5. Researching hypothesis

     - Television program production socialization is a rule of development; it is cooperation and competition as well. We will not be able to understand the nature, operating principles of this activity if we don’t research related issues comprehensively, specifically from definitions, role, cooperating method, socializing principles and improve legal system – legal framework to make sure that television socialization process is performed effectively.

     - Television program production socialization activity is developing stronger and stronger in Vietnam, getting encouraging results. However, this activity also has many restrictions which negatively affect the development of television stations particularly and television branch generally. Without investigating, analyzing real situations scientifically, then pointing out successes, restrictions, socialization activity would hardly promote its advantages and cause unforeseeable impacts when it develops.

    6. New scientific contribution for the thesis

     - First: This thesis researches the system and generalize theoretical frame on television program production socialization activity: (1) clarifying the definition of television program production socialization and some related definitions to compare. (2) Inevitability of socialization activity. (3) Main forms of production socialization. (4) Principles to ensure the nature of orientation, exploit and encourage social resources to participate in television program production activity… This theoretical frame and real situations will be the bases for researching, evaluating the issues relating to communication socialization generally and television program production socialization particularly.

     - Second: Investigating, analyzing socialization activities of some television stations in Vietnam comprehensively, in details with basic factors: cooperating objects, forms, content of socialization, socialization activities organizing, managing method, then considering real situations of this activity. The thesis affirms positiveness of socialization activity, defines the restrictions which need to be improved early, especially in awareness and managing process.

     - Third: On the basis of such general conclusion in combination with analyzing the experiences on this field from some countries all in the world, this thesis forecasts the issues in near future and brings out a system of solutions to make television program production socialization activity in Vietnam more effective, suitable for real situations.

    7. Theoretical and real meaning of the thesis

    7.1. Theoretical meaning: This thesis is the first scientific work which systematically synthesize theoretical conclusions on a new issue in Vietnam, it’s television activity socialization. If this thesis is successfully researched, it will contribute to enrich the knowledge on television generally, television program production, cooperative production particularly.

    7.2. Real meaning: Theoretical and real researching results of the thesis can be references for policies makers; for people who are participating in television branch; references for researching, teaching, studying processes in training facilities of television staffs and people who care about the topic.

    8. Structure of the thesis

    Beside introduction, overview of researching topic, conclusion, list of references, main content of the thesis consists of 4 chapters, 16 sections.





    Apart from documents of foreign countries, among the announced documents inside the country, the author mentioned the socialization activity of television program production, basically focuses on 4 following research groups:

     - First group: includes researches relating to theoretical basis of television, development trends of Vietnam television in modern society, especially in integrating, globalizing processes. They were concerned with television socialization but just in a small aspect which was usually researched as a small factor that promotes development of television in modern society r a solution that helps to develop integrating process.

     - Second group: are scientific topics, works mentioning television socialization in a narrow point of view, they were studied separately to introduce a specific model of socialization.

     - Third group: television socialization was mentioned in speeches of scientific seminars, television festivals. However, most of such speeches and opinions just raised the issue qualitatively and individually.

     - Forth group: socialization, television program production socialization were mentioned in development orientation of the Party, in the instruments, decrees, legal documents. However, beside positive aspects, some regulations on this activity were general; they did not satisfy the real demand and contained many inadequate points.

    Beside above researching works, some newspapers, websites also had separate articles about different aspects of television socialization… In general, such researching works just mentioned some slices of television socialization. In the aspect of learning, theses works did not theorize basic issues relating to television program production socialization scientifically. In the aspect of reality, they did not point out the trend of television socialization, or draft general picture of real situations, route, models, principles, difficulties in television program production socializing process of Vietnam television branch at present, therefore, they did not give specific solutions to promote this activity effectively and develop television branch strongly. Such space needs to be fulfilled and developed.


    Chapter 1




    1.1. Definitions

    1.1.1. Socialization

    There are many different opinions on the term of socialization. These opinions are recognized through diversified points of view: sociology, political economy, philosophy… Although each research has different definition about the term of “socialization”, they all believe that: “socialization” is the process of establishing and affirming sociality of each member or a thing, matter. On the basis of analysis, we would like to give our own definition to use for the next researching process: “Socialization is a process of extending the participation, sharing of society in an exclusive activity, service or knowledge of an organization or individual so that such activity or product will be known, used or enjoyed by many people”.

    1.1.2. Television program production socialization

    Nowadays, in Vietnam, production – making television products is not performed by journalists of a television channel, a television station, it’s common work of many people. People can participate directly or indirectly in television production. So, it can be understood that: “Socialization of television program production is the process of expanding the participation and attracting the human resources of individual, organizations or businesses into a stage in the production procedure and television programs - of the State television - this is the exclusive work of the State in Vietnam”.

    The participation of outside individuals and partners into the program production activity (the work which was previous implemented by the State only) not only makes increase on quantity and quality of programs but also contributes to limiting the exclusivity in creating the television product.

    In fact, in Vietnam, there are some other concepts, a part of them is nearly similar to the term of television program production socialization, including “cooperation in television program production”, “television socialization”. However, these terms have internal contents which are too large or too small. Therefore, in order to research more deeply, beside following the news, macroscopic issues of television branch, the thesis only focus on researching a specific issue: researching the participation of society in television product making process, which is “television program production socialization”.

    1.2. Factors that promote the establishment and development of television program production socialization activity

    1.2.1. The demand for information of the public and inner abilities of television station

    To have many interesting program with large and modern nature, scope and serve diversified demands of the public, we always need great resources: human resources, technology, finance. But many television stations cannot satisfy such resources, especially in finance. Therefore, the participation of individuals, organizations, and especially, the enterprises, economic corporations in television program production activity is very necessary.

    1.2.2. Development of science and technology

    Development of science and technology helps to make television program production equipments more modern, more convenient and much cheaper. This is the chance for individuals, organizations to participate in television program production activity of Television station easily.

    1.2.3. Abilities of partners

    Television products are made through a complicated process which requires many great resources. In fact, there are many individuals, organization who have real potential of human resources and economy, they are ready to invest to make high-quality television programs and even “long-term” valuable programs to contribute to television stations.

    1.2.4. Economic interests

    Cooperation between television stations, partners to make television products is always closely associated with the interests of parties. The interests for partners of television are: advertising the trademark, improving the prestige in the society and searching for economic interests from many resources, especially the benefits from advertisement.

    1.2.5. The impacts of globalization – extending international exchange

    The era of globalization not only help television of countries to approach modern producing technology rapidly, it also make television of countries more diversified through the activities of ordering, trading, exchanging programs with foreign partners.

    1.2.6. Pressure of competition on information

    Developed countries have all good conditions, their television information broadcasts widely to all ins and outs of the society, making high pressure of competition on information between countries, medias. Television stations need to extend forms of production in order to have more interesting programs from different resources if they don’t want to lose their public.

    1.2.7. Policies and management mechanism of the State

    Each country has different economy, politics, culture, but they all acknowledge and appreciate the role of television in providing information, orienting thoughts and bringing economic interests. So, there are many timely, suitable policies, mechanisms to create good conditions for the development of such activity, including the policy of mobilizing social resources – this is a chance to make the participation of society smooth, effective.

    1.3. Forms of television program production socialization

    1.3.1. Cooperation in television program production

    This means that television stations and partners “cooperate” to exploit, use resources of each party suitably (human, technical equipments, finance…) to participate in television products making process. There are three levels of cooperation: cooperate to produce a part of program, cooperate to fully produce a program and cooperate to produce many programs for a television channel.

    1.3.2. Program production ordering

    In the form of ordering, ordering subject is television station, ordering object is Communication Company. With this form, television station is usually active, the partner is just an executor. There are three ordering levels: ordering to produce a part of program, ordering to produce a full program and ordering to produce programs for the whole channel.

    1.3.3. Exploiting materials and television products

    To exploit materials and television products, television station must search, select materials (rough information, images) or television products performed by an individual or organization to use for establishing a program of a television channel.

    1.3.4. Products exchange

    While in the form of cooperation, exploitation and ordering production, the television station must pay its partner by money or interests of advertisement, in the form of products exchange, television stations, organization exchange their programs without paying by any financial amount.

    1.4. Requirements and conditions to make television program production socialization activity successful

    1.4.1. Purposes, requirements for socialization activity

     - Purposes of socialization activity: is to produce high-quality television products to satisfy diversified demands of the modern public from different social resources.

     - Requirements for socialization activity: television products produced by socialization are diversified in contents, interesting in form, correctly oriented, distribute interests of each participant reasonably; exploit, use all potentials of partners in production cooperation effectively; relations between parties in production cooperation are strong, stable and develop constantly.

    1.4.2. Conditions to make television program production socialization activity successful Determining producing capacity: the abilities in human, technology, technique and finance of each party before participating to make television products. This is the basis that decides quality of products and speed, strength of the cooperation. Determining managing capacity: The manager must understand purposes, advantages, disadvantages of cooperation extension and answer the questions: Who are the program produced for? What are produced? How many programs are produce? Who produces? ... Then construct strategies, make plans and administrate producing process effectively., analyzing the opportunities and challenges: Apart from its internal points (strength, weakness), each unit needs to analyze the impacts from the outside (opportunity, challenge) to its unit as participating in socialization. This is the important basis for promoting, exploiting well the advantage, chance; limiting the disadvantages and coping flexibly with the danger in order to have the best cooperation result. suitable cooperation environment: means close legal framework, mechanism, policies which are suitable for real situations – this is the “cradle” that rears, develops relationships in cooperation.

    1.5. Features, requirements and development situations of Vietnam television

    1.5.1. Developing process of Vietnam television branch Vietnam Television

    After over 40 years of establishment and development, after the time of deprivation of everything, Vietnam Television has continuously innovated and developed with National channels with average time limit 120 hours/day and 2 cable television systems (VCTV, SCTV) and DTH satellite digital television system (VSTV) with hundreds of channels. Local television stations

    Nowadays, there are 62 television stations in the country (excluding Phu Yen province where provincial television station is being constructed, and expected to put into use in 2012), with over 80 channels. Average broadcasting time limit (including relaying Vietnam television) is 18 hours/channel. Some big stations broadcast 24 hours/day. Beside advertising programs, some stations also extend pay television areas. Other television stations, channels

    There are other television stations, channels of Ministries, journalistic offices such as: Vietnam Television Company, visual broadcasting system of Radio The Voice of Vietnam (VOVTV); Vietnam News Agency channel; People’s Public Security channel (ANTV).

    1.5.2. Viewpoints of the Party and requirements for Vietnam television branch in socialization Viewpoints of the Party on socialization

    The viewpoint of promoting social resources together with the State to solve common issues of the society is determined, mentioned in development orientation since Party Congress VIII and next Congresses. Development orientation of television branch in socialization

    Developing in accordance with common policies of the Party, State on the basis of conditions, demands of each television station to produce as many programs as possible with diversified, interesting contents to serve viewers’ demands.

    Summary of Chapter 1:

    Nature of television program production socialization activity is the voluntary participation of every individual, organization in the activity of making television products for a television station – which used to be exclusive activity of the unit.

    There are many forms in which society can participate in this activity. Each form has separate advantages and restrictions. Such diversity generates abundance for the activity of television branch generally and program production organization activities of each Station particularly.

    To make television program production socialization activity successful, the vital factor that decides the existence, trademark of each unit while performing program production activity socialization is to determine producing capacity, management ability of the unit and partners clearly, and especially, it is necessary to create cooperative environment – which rears multidimensional but sustainable relations.

    Chapter 2



    2.1. Establishment and development of television program production socialization activity in Vietnam at present

    2.1.1. Situations of program production socialization in Vietnam Television

    Being established earliest in television branch, Vietnam Television – National station is the first unit that has deployed television program production socialization activity. At first, it is cooperative production and broadcasting some programs of some offices, political and social organizations. Until now, the activity has developed with diversified forms. There are 143 channels in the system of advertisement television and pay television (VTV, VCTV and SCTV) of Vietnam Television, in which 41 channel are domestic (produced by the Station), remaining 102 channels are exploited. Some channels among 41 domestic ones are performed by socialization.

    2.1.2. Situations of program production socialization in some local television stations

    In comparison with National station, the activity of local television stations was performed much later and became popular since 2000. Production socialization activity developed strongest in Ho Chi Minh Television and Hanoi Television, in both advertisement and pay television. In which, the time limit of socialized programs on advertisement channel occupies about 25 – 30% total time limit of newly produced programs.

    In other local television stations, production socialization activity has also been established; however, their scale is still small, mainly apart of program at some time slots.

    2.1.3. Situations of socialization in Vietnam Television Corporation

    Vietnam Television Corporation is under Vietnam Multimedia Corporation, established on 19/8/2004. In 2007, socialization activity started to be performed and developed rapidly. VTC was licensed to produce 18 program channels, including 15 advertisement channels. 7 channels were fully socialized; while some other channels were socialized in a part.

    2.2. Participants of television program production socialization activity in Vietnam

    2.2.1. Communication companies

    There are nearly 3.000 communication companies in Vietnam. However, the survey from 2008 to 2011 shows that only about 50 companies (20 in Northern region, 30 in Southern region) usually cooperate with television stations.

    2.2.2. Private film studio

    Cinema Law regulates that: the rate of Vietnamese film broadcasting time limit of each television station must occupies at least 30% total film broadcasting time limit. This means that there must be a Vietnamese film after 2 foreign ones. Therefore, state television film studios could not arrange enough films to broadcast. Until 2010, there were about 40 private film studios in Vietnam who have been cooperating to produce and provide films for Stations.

    2.2.3. Central and local offices, organizations

    These offices not only provide resources of hot news, timely financial resources for the journalists, but they also cooperate and play an important role in television program production of many television stations in Vietnam.

    2.2.4. Journalism agencies

    Acknowledging the advantages of television, many news, journalism agencies (printed newspaper, online newspaper, radio newspaper) have cooperated with television stations to share information, extend influence scope as well as image of their offices.

    2.2.5. Individuals

    The participation of individuals in television program production is becoming more and more popular in Vietnam. The individuals mainly participate in contributing “rough” materials – images with high information, news value or “partial” products for Television stations.

    2.2.6. Foreign units

    Nowadays, foreign units mainly participate in exploiting, exchanging products or cooperating with Television stations or communication companies to produce television programs.

    2.3. Real situations of program production socialization forms in Vietnam

    2.3.1. Cooperation in program production

    This form appears mainly in television program production socialization activity of many television stations in Vietnam. Investigations show that the level of operation to produce a full program occupies the majority in advertisement and pay television. Each channel may have many partners simultaneously.

    However, some pay television channels of some stations are still using the form of cooperation: one partner can cooperate to produce major part of a program or the whole program for a channel. For example: FanshifanTV (VCTV1), RealTV (VCTV5), FNBC (HTVC)…

    2.3.2. Ordering program production

    This form is usually used in television stations. Main ordering levels are: ordering to produce a part of program and ordering to produce a full program.

    Beside above levels, some pay television channels also use the level of ordering to produce programs for the whole channel. In this form, except exploited and re-broadcasted time, 100% new products are produced by one partner. Television station just gives the topic, consult about format of the program and accept completed programs of such channel. There are 4 television stations in the country who have fully ordered channels (or fully socialized channels): Vietnam Television, Ho Chi Minh Television, Vietnam Television Corporation, Hanoi Television with the total of 20 channels.

    2.3.3. Exploiting materials and television products

    Surveying time from 2009 to 2011 shows that exploitation and use of materials appear mainly in Vietnam Television, and rarely in local television stations. However, this form is used only in some news programs with inconsiderable quantity.

    In comparison with end-products of rough materials, completed end-products (fill program) occupy the majority of exploitation forms of television stations. The products belong to diversified forms: films, games, music to cultural, sports programs… Many television stations exploited products of tens of partners, this make the programs plentiful.

    2.3.4. Products exchange

    In Vietnam, this form has just appeared in some television stations with low frequency and level.

    2.4. Forms and contents of programs which are produced by socialization

    2.4.1. Entertainment programs

    Partners participate to produce many programs, in which entertainment programs take a great quantity and time limit – about over 50% total time limit of socialized programs in television stations. Among entertainment programs, television films, games and music occupy the majority. Nowadays, in order to serve the demand for intensive information of viewers, some stations have cooperated with partners to produce specific entertainment television programs which are usually broadcasted on cable television system.

    2.4.2. News programs

    Article 5 of chapter 1, circular 19/2009/TT-BTTTT of Ministry of Communications and Information, issued on 28/5/2009, regulated that: “No cooperation must be made for news, politics programs”. However, cooperative production has appeared in some news programs of some television stations. The main method is ordering to produce or exchange information from television stations or other journalism agencies, even individuals in the society. Beside “partial” products, some stations ordered companies to produce some intensive news-letters on economy, culture, sports.

    2.4.3. Column formed programs

    This form of program (taking the second position after entertainment programs) also collects the attention of partners to cooperate and produce. Actually, the number of column formed programs is greater than entertainment programs but their broadcasting time limit is shorter. Many columns last only 5 minutes. Contents of socialize columns of television stations are plentiful, diversified in many fields, used for different objects. There are 5 columns/40 socialized programs that attract the most viewers.

    2.4.4. Other forms of program

    The cooperation between television stations and partners not only helps to produce economic, health, traffic, fashionable programs… but also deeply humane products which are welcomed by viewers.

    2.5 Method of organization and management of program production socialization

    2.5.1 Process of registering and selecting objects to participate in Socialization

    In order to participate in program production socialization, almost partners must implement quite same processes and experience steps including applying appliance, establishing appraisal and approval council. After that they must sign and perform the contract. Television Service - Advertisement - Center and Department (Editorial Secretary) of Television Station are two head offices helping the partners handle procedures.

    2.5.2 Method of management of Socialization activity

    - State - level management

    Television program production socialization has developed dramatically within scope of many stations from early 2000s. However, until May 2009, the Ministry of Communications and Information issued Circular 19/2009/TT-BTTT defining “Connection in television and broadcast program producing activity”. Although the circular is issued late, its specific terms have contributed to help television program production socialization activity of stations be put into framework more after a time of spontaneous development. However, in addition to advantage, the management of socialization activity still remains actual situations in need of making good.

    - Station - level management

    Form of program or socialization program channel approval of stations is currently assigned specifically and the process has a lot of same points. Programs of advertising or having fee are all following the process with 03 heads to approve: Department manager, Board-level council and Board leader (Station). However, in order to ensure quality, a number of programs of some channels had to add some head into the approval form (SCTV for example).

    Sub-conclusion of Chapter 2:

    - The television program production socialization activity has been developing widely over nationwide stations. However, this activity has developed the strongest at 04 Television Stations which are Vietnam Television Station, Ho Chi Minh City Television Station, VTC Digital Television Station, Ha Noi Broadcast - Television Station - these are stations in area with high population density, high cultural standard and developed economic condition.

    -        Through duration of socialization implementation, it shows that participation in socialization activities of the partners is not simple because there are hundreds of communication enterprises having taken part in cooperating and producing programs with the station but only 50 units remaining stable coordination.

    -        A long time of spontaneous development of socialization, not actually stable because there are no provisions and method specific and close. Some stations having been aware of opportunity as well as challenges of the activity have been changing management method step by step in order to put the activity into framework, mobilize more social resources.


    Chapter 3



    3.1 Success of the Television program producing activity

    3.1.1 Socialization – contribute to program abundance to serve viewers

    Thanks to socialization activity, time of program on each channel of the station has been increased, popularly up to 18h/ day, some Station 24h/24h. In addition, a lot of new programs has been developed and become popular. 40 from hundreds of socialization programs are chosen regularly by the viewers currently.

    3.1.2 Socialization – promote flexibility in production of each member

    A lot of members coordinate to participate in promoting competition in television field together. The competition makes individuals, communities (both station and partner) effort to increase program quality in order to exist or reach position as expectation.

    3.1.3 Socialization – mobilize more social resources, reduce burden of television station

    From 2008 to 2010, thanks to socialization, VTV1 and VTV3 bring the viewers 23 Vietnam Television Films consisting of 899 episodes equivalent to 40.000 hours. Revenue from advertising in the films in particular and other programs of some stations is higher than 1.000 billion Vietnam dongs on average. Such revenue has helped the stations’ partners be self - willed in budget problem.

    3.1.4 Socialization – opportunity for partners to express their capacity and contribution to society

    From 2008 up to now, the whole country has nearly 100 communication enterprises coordinating regularly with the stations in producing the television programs; each year, it provides hundreds of program titles with thousands of hours of broadcasting to server the diversified demand of crowded of people in the whole country. To have such quantity, that is the great contribution on manpower, technique and especially financial resources of the partners.

    3.1.5. Socialization - viewers have many opportunities to select suitable programs

     In Vietnam nowadays, television has been covered nationwide. On average, more than 80% of population can watch programs of Vietnam Television Station and their local station. Until 2011, the whole country has had nearly 200 domestic channels (advertising and having fee) being telecasted every day with the average time of 18h/day/channel, some channels 24h/24h with thousands of programs titles. 61.8% of respondent viewers think that number of channel being abundant. This helps them have opportunity to get information, extend knowledge of all aspects of social life.

    3.1.6. Socialization – lots of television programs having prosper human civilization

    Every year, thousands of billion Vietnam dongs is extracted from financed fund, revenue from many advertising programs in form of socialization to give support to people suffering from diseases, having difficult living condition but expressing effort to improve their life. The program “Luc lac vang” (VTV1); “Vuot len chinh minh” of Nghe An Broadcast -Television Station; “Vi ngay mai tuoi sang” (HTV9), and so on are examples.

    3.2. Limit of the Television program producing activity

    3.2.1. Socialization activity developed dispersedly and spontaneously

    - Dissimilar development of Socialization activity – lots of open markets

    The television program production socialization activity has been developed strongly in big television station such as Vietnam Television Station, Ho Chi Minh City Television Station, VTC Digital Television Station, Ha Noi Broadcast-Television Station and slowly and not methodically in local stations. The number of partners of the stations are still very few, under 10 companies on average equivalent to 1/5 in comparison with VTV and HTV.

         - Some channels and programs developed spontaneously out of control

    In accordance with statistic from the Ministry of Communications and Information from 2009 to 2011, there are only 04 stations which are Vietnam Television Station, Ho Chi Minh City Television Station, VTC Digital Television Station, Hau Giang Broadcast - Television Station registering linked channels and programs with the Ministry. Other stations have linked but not registered yet.

    3.2.2. Lack of many prosper programs and channels

    Lots of socialization channel and programs at some content channels and form of expression are similar, not impressed, not prosper. 29.2% of respondent viewers think that current programs are normal. 24.5% of respondent viewers are not satisfied with the television programs. According to them, there are a lot of reasons, and the most important reason is that the program is not attractive because form expression and lack of character.

    3.2.3. Quality of some program dissatisfied

    Within developed program types, the type is chosen the most is entertainment program, making up 54.3%. The television film is watched the most and the most regularly of entertainment programs. However, only 19.5% of viewers are satisfied with watched films. 35.8% think that they are not really satisfied with telecasted films. According to them, the main reason is that the topic is not diversified and content is not practical.

    3.2.4 Socialization appearing some commercial expression

    - Rate of program types is not balance, based on taste.

    -Advertisement and sponsor govern program production and activity of some station.

    -Channel socialization appears - based on external financial resource, difficult to control quality.

    3.2.5. Socialization – cause personnel disorder

    Personnel disorder is happening to both television stations and partners

    Participation of social forces in production activity means that the stations’ stable employees shall be shared their works that requires the stations to restructure personnel: production personnel, management personnel. For partners, their personnel is thin, unstable and always having desire to transfer to communication companies with better condition. Change in personnel has made activity of the stations and partners meet a lot of disorder.

    3.2.6. Socialization causes viewer segmentation

    The more programs mean that people have more opportunity to choose channels with their favorable programs. Phenomenon of changing channel, searching interesting programs as per viewers’ demand appears. Therefore, a number of viewers of one channel must be divided (segmentation) to other channels.

    3.2.7. Strength and competition within activity of program production socialization far from high

        Some partners failing in try to exist under pressure of production, finance have withdrawn or transferred their programs to other partners or only participated partially in the works.

    Number of partners taking part in produce programs with the station from 2008 to 2011 is only more than 100 units but the most regularly 50 unit only. Therefore, on average one of two channels have partner. The opportunity for the stations choosing high quality program is little because they do not have a lot of choices.

    3.2.8. Phenomenon of relaxing content management appears

    This phenomenon is expressed through frequency, level of mistake appearance in telecasted programs; some stations let their partners intervene or even make decision on content telecasted that affects negatively orientation of information content.

    3.3 Reasons for limit and issues set out in the television program production socialization activity nowadays

    3.3.1. Viewpoints and awareness of the socialization activity of participants are not unified

    - The first: conflict in coordination purposes: conflict in thought task, politic and economic interests.

    - The second: Incompletely awareness of natures, difficulties and challenges of the socialization activity

    3.3.2. Lack of guideline and synchronous and specific planning

    On 24/03/2011, the Prime Minister signed the Decision No. 20/2011/QD-TTG promulgating regulation on management of paid television; on 01/03/2011, the Ministry of communications and Information signed the Circular No. 7/2011 detailing and guiding grant of press license in the field of broadcast and television. However, to operate effectively, avoid waste, spreading, it needs to issue appropriate and specific provisions on development strategy in general, television socialization in particular such as number of channels, content of channels, etc.

    3.3.3. Production capacity of partners is not uniform and professional

    Personnel and finance are key factors determining quality, progress of partner coordination. Limits in socialization process in the past are caused by lack of self-willingness in finance and dependence on sponsor of the partners. On the other hand, personnel implementing program is thin and unprofessional.

    3.3.4. Capacity and management degree remain problems

    - Vietnam Television Station: ordering articles from the partner and accepting socialization program of some stations are not close, sure for quality due to very big volume of works but thin personnel.

    -   Partners: difficulties and limits are mainly within personnel and capital management. Lots of partners have lost.

    3.3.5. Mechanism and policy are not appropriate

    -   Circular No. 19 of the Ministry of Communications and Information guiding link and coordination activity, however, a number of articles are not referred clearly. Therefore, the television stations still meet difficulties as opening program production.

    -   Law on amendment of press 1999, confirming the rule that Vietnam does not personal press. Press is speech agency of the Party, State, and Union, is forum of people. Actually, it needs coordination to produce press products in general and television product in particular; thus, that a number of current provisions do not have coverage makes such activities meet a lot of limits and develop not as expected.

    3.3.6. There is no form of consulting viewers’ comment regularly and appropriately

    Price of investigation result and market evaluation from Market Research Companies is very expensive because it is not all station ready for investing their expense. On the other hand, each station does not have many appropriate research methods; therefore, in order to exist and telecast, creating topic and ordering program are objective.

    Sub - conclusion of Chapter 3:

    Through direct research of the television station activities of the Center and Locality, it can be seen that the television program production socialization activity are existing and developing more effervescently in Vietnam. In comparison with traditional television program production activity, socialization activity remains a lot of limits that affects as not expected to development process of the television station. All facts set out critical issues in need of awareness and settlement for units having participated in socialization process. Of which, it needs to aware of socialization activity – this is key step to determine correct action of each unit as implementing socialization. Together with awareness of development of socialization activity, it needs logic, suitable mechanism; management method with special important role – this is lodestar for development of products and social awareness.


    Chapter 4




    4.1 Forecast of development of the television program production socialization activity in Vietnam in the future

    4.1.1. Development tendency of socialization activity television program production socialization activity in continuation of strong development

    Tri Viet Communication Joint Stock Company (TMV) investigates and analyzes television market and provides forecast 2012 and some next years that new program time of some stations is only meeting ¼ demand in comparison with reality (search result of the biggest 40 channels having revenue and production capacity (personnel, finance, and technology /100 channels including paid television and advertising television). In addition, the Decision No. 22/2009/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister approving the up-to-2020 planning for radio and television wave transmission and broadcasting shows that television sector in Vietnam shall develop strongly in transmission infrastructure. Together with such change, it requires content activity developing on such infrastructure develop synchronously in quality and quantity. Therefore, to cooperate with more external partners in short-term and long-term are also necessary. The television program production socialization activity in need of extending scope and implementation method

    The socialization activity is not only developed on advertising television but also paid television. This activity does not stop at small scope within some programs or certain time frame as in the past and is forecasted that programs having partners in producing for the whole channel shall increase thanks to stronger capable partners and awareness of clearer socialization form’s advantages. 45.7% of respondent partners think that they like channel socialization form because this form is more self - willed. Requirement of entertainment programs and news makes up big rate

    According to statistic and analysis of TNS Media from 2007 to 2011 and in comparison with search of TVM-Tri Viet Communication Joint Stock Company and personal investigation result within 800 questionnaires of 04 big cities in Vietnam, the rate of entertainment programs (film) and news are 02 program types popular most and most regularly. Program content in tend of exclusion

    79.9% of respondent viewers think that: exclusive information is easy to follow and deep; they must not wait long and waste time for searching. Therefore, number of Vietnam films is increasing much in comparison with last years. A lot of Vietnam films confirm their position in viewers’ heart. Together with Vietnam film, many game shows and Vietnamese programs have appeared and obtained certain position on television. Vietnamese programs step by step competes with foreign programs

    As from having the amendment Law on Cinematography which was effective in accordance with the regulation: Vietnamese film accounted for at least 30% of total time limit. From that time, the quantity of Vietnamese films was produced more than in the past. Many socialization films affirmed the position and they were loved by audience. Together with Vietnamese film, many game programs and Vietnamese columns appeared and increasingly developed, and had certain position on television program. The socialization activity happens complexly and out of control

    In some next years, demand of entertainment in particular and information from television in general shall always the first rate choice for the public. Increasing channels and programs is essential. Together with such increase is strong development of production socialization activity. If the legal corridor is still maintained, with the appropriate management staff especially in quantity as now, it shall be difficult to create more attractive television programs for viewers. The partners in tend of changing operation model

    Mass development of investors, communication companies reflects rise of television market. In addition to the mass development is severity of market with pressure making lots of communication companies operate not effectively, lack character and must change operation tend as per reality and their capacity.

    4.1.2. Opportunities and challenges of units in front of development of socialization activity Opportunities with television stations:Opportunity to serve the public more and better; Opportunity to affirm the position; Opportunity to exploit the resources which are having and will have; Opportunity to penetrate more deeply, widely with the world television… Opportunities with partners of television stations:Opportunity to show the capacity and build the image; Opportunity to develop the economic resources… Challenges with television stations:Challenge in settling the interest relation (political interest and economic interest); Challenge in managing the content of socialization program; Challenge in front of the personnel balance problem… Challenges with partners:Challenge in front of the greater competition pressure; Challenge on exploitation, human resource development; Challenge in front of the issue of capital resource preservation and development

    4.2 Some solutions for developing the television program production socialization activity

    The solutions given by us are arranged according to logics: Awareness - Specific policy - State management - Resource intensification.

    4.2.1 Unify and raise awareness of the socialization activity

    The socialization activity brings in not only benefit for the television station, people but also social position, trade mark and especially economy interest for partners. Clear awareness of relationship between politic orientation and economic interest, and governance of economy over communication activity are very important and determining correctly or incorrectly orientated existence of a television program or channel.

    4.2.2. Grasp thoroughly the rule: a lot of participants in producing programs but only a direct content management agency that is television station.

    Grasp the unification rule in management to ensure politic interest (orientation nature), cultural interest – interests of viewers (approach of information, new knowledge in the correct orientation valuable in raising the awareness, healthy spirit life of people).

    4.2.3. Further developing the partner system according to the direction of expanding more participation objects and localizing the implementation level

    Expanding the objects participating the program in order to have more diversified information to serve the public, reduce the burden on manpower and finance for the station is a work worth doing but the level must be considered carefully by each station. This thing depends on the capacity, strength and limitation of oneself together with grasping, treating the opportunities and challenges at the outside impacting to each station. Socializing a part of the regulation and management will be active and favorable. Socialization of program production for the channel - the work will be easy to be under another direction, easy to be governed by economic interest and difficult to control.

    At present, there is cooperation mechanism with the partners being “organization with corporate capacity”. In long term, specific policy should be considered in order to expand the cooperation, use of products of individuals having ability and demand in the society.

    4.2.4. Building the planning and socialization itinerary

    This thing is carried out strictly, scientifically; it not only contributes to stabilizing the television activity in general, socialization activity in particular but also helps the programs and television channels to be born, developed efficiently and to avoid the waste.

    Together with many foundations for building the procedures and itinerary of socialization, each relevant unit may refer additionally SWOT analysis method to analyze the situation, find out the opportunity in order to form the cooperation work and development.

         4.2.5. In need of plan as well as proper investigation solution

    In order the television program production socialization develops as per the rule, correct direction of propagation, the management agencies not only develop and promulgate but also investigate and handle mistakes continuously if any.

         4.2.6. Research the public demand and partner’s condition regularly

    Based on search, research, it can see viewers’ demand for programs, and then it is possible to form policy, develop effective and proper propagation and cooperation plan.

         4.2.7. Complete mechanism, policy and legal corridor for the socialization activity

    The law or sub - law document needs to constitute airy legal corridor but still ensures close and practical characters in accordance with the viewpoint of connecting development and management. Television press information under the management of the Party, the State is within the legal frame.

    4.2.8. Train and develop human resource

    This work must be implemented by the stations and their partners regularly and basically and must be defined as the key step that it is able to develop staff, reporters and freelances qualified, moral and professional to manage and practice professionally.

    4.2.9. Promote investment in all aspects to raise guideline role of the television station in the socialization process.

    Awareness and implementation of such problem shall facilitate the station not to be worried about “comparison” between politic tasks and economic interest and to be full power “leaders” “involving” the whole society to participate and go the right way.

    4.3. Some experiences and recommendations for the Television Stations as implementing the Television program production socialization.

    4.3.1. It needs exploitation and encouragement mechanism as per partner types – especially “civilization journalist” – individual in the society.

    This subject receives little care from the television station but in fact it can bring in a lot of interesting events and materials with high valuable information implemented by individual equipment.

    4.3.2. It needs to plan social resource use scientifically and properly that socialization activity of each station is self-willed and effective.


    Sub-conclusion of Chapter 4:

    With the theoretic foundations as stated in the Chapter 1 and search result in the Chapter 2 and 3 together with practical research on socio-economic and communication development in Vietnam now; in the Chapter 4, the author forecasts the next development tend of the socialization activity and provide specific solutions to recommend related agencies developing proper mechanism and policy, plan in order to promote effectiveness of the television program production socialization activity in Vietnam in the future.



    The television program production socialization activity in Vietnam now is not only a big problem for State management agency, concerned television station but also research object of many units, companies and individuals in the society because it brings in a lot of attractive interests for participants. However, process of development and management of the socialization activity in Vietnam now appears many problems requiring for specific and practical solutions for settlement to exploit and promote effectiveness of this production form at the maximum level.

    The main contents consist of 04 chapters (16 sections), the thesis finishes purposes and tasks set out. The specific result as follow:

    1.        The author overviews and make clear theoretic foundation of issues related to the television program production socialization activity: conception of socialization, factor promoting this activity’s existence, analysis of advantages and disadvantages, involvement of society into this activity to create television products. Especially, the thesis points out necessary requirements and conditions for the socialization activity developing strongly and healthily as oriented.

    2.   The , detailed and complete search of the television program production socialization activity in Vietnam are now implementing through search at 12 stations representing for Central level and local level; representative stations of 03 areas nationwide. From received results through collection of data, with 05 items in Chapter 2, the thesis provide a quite complete picture of the socialization activity from production organization step to management step at Television Stations in Vietnam now.

    -        In the author’s opinion, the socialization activity is developed widely all over national stations and strongest in the television stations located in provinces and cities having economic condition, developed human civilization, crowed population. The socialization activity is developing not only on advertising television but also on paid television with a lot of different participation forms. Through search, the thesis also shows that the participants producing programs at the stations are abundant. However, the most active participation is made by about over 50 of thousands of communication companies. Participation of other units and individuals starts but not clear.

    -        The partners have invested all resources to produce programs with diversified and attractive contents from entertainment, cultural, social, scientific and educational programs to news. Of which entertainment programs makes up large rate and its expression form is more diversified in comparison with traditional programs. A lot of special television channels producing the socialization form appear and develop strongly. Lots of them impress the viewers.

    -        In addition to actual situation of the television program production socialization activity, the thesis also shows situation of organization and management of this form in the television stations in Vietnam. Currently, structure of appraisal machine of the nationwide television stations is in general following a common process quite close with 03 heads: department level, board level and station level. However, through research result, it can see that in order to operate correctly and effectively, many stations have invested in research and supplemented regulation for this activity.

    3.   Based on overview of the television program production socialization activity’s actual situation, and deep interview for 25 management leaders of the stations, 10 leadership staff of communication companies participating in producing programs with nationwide stations, and questionnaires for 800 viewers from 04 areas over the country, the thesis shows successes, limits and effectives of the television program production socialization activity.

    Operation situation of socialization in the past time has proved that this activity has diversified the television programs meeting demand of the public. The socialization helps the stations mobilize a lot of resources in the society from which reduces burden in producing program of the stations. However, together with such successes, the socialization still remains many limits. These are mass development but lack character of many programs; disorder in personnel. The socialization also appears commercial feature. Economic interests appear and affect production activity bringing in unexpected quality of some programs. Under different angles, the thesis points out 06 main reasons for ineffective socialization activity.

    4.   Based on analysis of practicality of the socialization activity, through expert staff as management leaders of the television stations, big communication units nationwide, all being put into general entity of communication operation and development of economy, polity, society of the nation; the thesis forecast development tend of this activity in Vietnam in the future. The author thinks that: the socialization activity shall develop strongly in the future; with its advantages, this activity shall develop not only in communication companies but also at variety of subjects and social classes.

    Based on actual situation and such forecasts, the thesis points out 9 main solutions for helping the socialization activity in Vietnam develop more effectively. Generally speaking, such solutions follow closely advantages and disadvantages withdrawn from search and analysis of actual situation, thus they have applicable nature. The 9 solutions are deployed as main directions: Raise awareness, responsibility of individuals, units participating and implementing the socialization activity; complete mechanism and policy in real, synchronous and close direction that the socialization activity can be effective, harmonize parties’ interests. In addition, that staff and reporters of the stations need training and practicing, increasing professional capacity, management degree plays a important role and determines quality of the socialization activity – meet demand of information, propagation of the Party, State and Society.

    5.   The main research direction of the thesis is socialization activity in domestic products (domestic) – because of limited capacity and condition; in addition, this activity has a lot of complicated happens. However, based on topic research bases: “The television program production socialization activity in Vietnam now”, the author sees that this topic can be developed in the follow direction: (1) Research deeply the television program production socialization activity in category. (2) Research deeply advantages and disadvantages of each television program production socialization form. (3) Research the television program production socialization activity at each locality (advertising television or paid television)…

    6. On the basis of research results, the author of the thesis tried to mention comprehensively the issues put forth by the subject. However, because the research scope is wide but the research time is short, the sample selection scale is not much, the thesis is not sure to avoid the certain shortcomings. With the perfect and complete spirit, the author would like to acquire all contribution ideas and reasonable criticisms.


                                                   Thank you very much!

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